Acidity is a regurgitation of the undigested food particles. Sometimes it comes along with a burning sensation in the chest. Ayurveda suggests it may happen due to the imbalance of pitta (heat energy of the body).
- Stress
- Indigestion
- Eating spicy food
- Heartburn
- Belching
- Vomiting
Vedic Remedies
Buttermilk with hing (Asafoetida)
Buttermilk is a simple remedy for acidity.
How to use it?
Drink one or two glasses a day for one week. Add a pinch of asafoetida (hing) to it.
Coconut Water
Coconut water is hydrating and cooling in nature. It helps to balance the pitta (heat energy of the body).
How to use it?
Drink a minimum of two glasses of coconut water every day for a week.
Fresh aloe vera gel
Aloe vera reduces acid from the stomach. It decreases the inflammation of the mucous lining inside the stomach. Ultimately, it helps to reduce acidity.
How to use it?
- Take two tablespoons of aloe vera gel.
- Mix it with one glass of water.
- Drink it in the morning, an empty stomach.
Amla Juice/Indian Gooseberry juice
Amla juice is the best rejuvenating fruit in Ayurveda. It helps to combat acidity due to its cooling effect.
How to use it?
Drink one glass of amla juice daily empty stomach for one week.
Basil (tulsi) and Fennel (Saunf) drink
Basil cures acidity due to its soothing properties. Fennel, on the other hand, is a fantastic herb for all the digestive ailments.
How to use it?
- Take a glass of water, and add 6 to 7 leaves of basil (tulsi) and a ⅓ teaspoon of fennel seeds.
- Give it a boil.
- Drink it in the morning and evening.
Licorice/Mulethi herbal drink
Licorice contains a large number of glycosides. It helps to soothe the digestive system.
How to use it?
- Take a glass of water and boil a small piece of licorice root with it.
- Boil it for five minutes.
- Drink it once or twice a day.
- Try to eat the evening meal before sunset and nothing heavy after sunset.
- Eat every meal at the same time of day.
- Drink Vedic Herbal Tea (without milk) twice a day with 2-3 drops of lemon juice in it.
- Don’t skip any meal.
- Avoid heavy, spicy, and deep-fried food.
- Vajrasana
- Kapal bhati
- Pawan muktasana
Ayurvedic Churna
Swad Sarovar Churna and Gas Mukti Churna
It is a perfect blend of all the best Ayurvedic herbs for acidity. Formulated in tested composition Swad Sarovar Churna has proven results in cure of acidity, heart burn, stomach issues, abdominal pain, and gastric and flatulence problems.
You can easily place your order online with the link given below.
Product on saleSwad Sarowar Churna₹75.00 – ₹640.00
Product on saleGas Mukti Churna₹75.00 – ₹640.00
नोट: वैदिक फार्मेसी का उद्देश्य है कि प्राकृतिक उपचार के माध्यम से ही हम शरीर को निरोगी बनाये रखने में सहायता प्रदान कर सकें।