Important information
It is used as Ayurvedic medicine for Anemia. Apart from anemia, lohasava is also used in the treatment of swelling, inflammation, liver and spleen conditions, itching, diabetes, gulma, ascites, piles, asthma, anorexia,cough, fistula, grahani and certain digestive diseases. Increase digestion quickly. Gradually improves pallor.
Lohasava has following medicinal properties:
Haematinic (increases hemoglobin levels), Hematogenic (helps in formation of red blood cells), Aam Pachak (Detoxifier), Anthelmintic, Antihyperlipidemic, Cardioprotective, Cholagogue (promotes the discharge of bile), Depurative (purifies blood), Anti-obesity & Fat Burner, Anti-inflammatory, Mucolytic, Tonic

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