• Abhyarayshta (अभ्यारिष्ट) works synergistically to regulate bowel movements and reduce the discomfort of constipation and piles.
• The natural ingredients of Abhyarayshta (अभ्यारिष्ट) not only support digestion but also contribute to improved gut health and increased immunity. By promoting regular bowel movements, Abhayarishta helps detoxify the body and maintain optimal health.
• Soothes digestive problems
• Encourages regular bowel movements
• Reduces the problem of constipation
• Enhances overall digestion

anikesh –
अभयारिष्ट कब्ज में राहत के लिए अत्यंत ही उपयोगी दावा है, वास्तव मे यह आयुर्वेदिक दवा बहुत ही असरकारक है।